Hi, dear friend! It's so great to meet you.

I'm Lauren Gaskill. I'm the author of Into the Deep: Diving Into a Life of Courageous Faith, national speaker and founder of She Found Joy. After overcoming more than a decade of illness, God ignited a passion in me to encourage others to fight for faith and keep hope alive — no matter what. I believe together we can push back the dark and shine bright as we rely on the joy of the Lord to be our strength for every day He blesses us with.

Sign up here if you'd like to receive updates from me delivered straight to your inbox. As a special gift, you'll also receive a free e-book called the The Joyful Girl's Guide to Living Free: 5 Habits of a Woman Who Is Growing In Faith, along with my popular mini-course called "Let Go, Let God."

Whether you've known me for years or just found me through social media, I'm so excited to have you join this community and I hope you know how dearly you are loved.

Joy and hugs to you!
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